It's been a long time for Ian, and a while for me. Ian and I went to the US west coast in 1990 for three weeks, starting in LA, and all the way up California's spectacular Route 1 to San Francisco, and beyond as far north as Redwood National Park: then a long swing inland through Yosemite, to the Grand Canyon and back via Palm Springs.

Then, exactly 10 years ago, I made another trip, four weeks this time, with Yasser, taking in many of those places again but also flying up to Seattle with side trips to Mount Ranier and Vancouver. This marked the end of an era for me, having finished a long spell with my old company prior to starting a new post.
Now I am retiring from that post and it's time for another west coast trip, with Ian again, this time for five weeks (see a pattern emerging?) and with an even more ambitious programme. A complete sweep of the west coast from Vancouver and Victoria,all the way down to San Diego, with a side trip to Yellowstone. It's a hell of a lot of driving - we reckon at least 3000 miles - but that's the way to see America's west. Let's see how it all goes.
After the miserable late summer in England, I can't wait!
Pictures from 1990:
left Ian at the Grand Canyon
right Keith on the road out of Yosemite
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